Pose v.词根意思:摆
composer 作曲家;composition 作文
be composed of,被动语态,Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
Exposeàex(外)-pose(摆)à暴露,揭露,be exposed to 暴露在。。。之内
Impose sth on/upon sb 把。。。强加于,impose one's views upon other.
Be imposed on/upon (被)欺骗,She knew she was imposed on.
His family imposed a heavy burden on his life.他的家庭给他的生活带来沉重负担。
anotheràone more,又一个
the otheràthe second of two,两者中的后者,on the other side of the street.
Othersàother people,另一部分人
The othersàthe rest,盈余
Every other 每隔一个,every other line,每隔一行
The other day==a few days ago 几天前,句中为一般过去时
propose (marriage) to sb 向某人求婚,marriage可省略
disposeàdis(否定,没)-poseàv.处理(掉)dispose of sth
Man proposes , God disposes. 谋事在人, 成事在天。
Proposeàn. proposal 建议;disposeàn. disposal
at one's disposal 固定搭配,随某人自由支配
put/leave sth at one's disposal;
supposeàsup(下面)-poseà假设;Let me suppose it to be so.
Opposeàop(反对)-poseà反对;op来自opposite adj.相反的
Oppose the plan/proposal
Be oppose to sth?àobject to doing sth;
Press v.压,按
Compress sth into sth. He compress his idea into a single page.
Depressàde(下)-pressà1.向下按;depress the button.
2.使沮丧;The gloomy(阴沉的) weather depressed me.
Expressàex-pressàv.表达;àn. expression
n.快车;express train特快列车;express mail快递
highway n.公路,干路;expressway高速公路;freeway免费高速公路
high school中学
impressàim(相当于in,里)-pressàv.给…留下印象;àn. impression
àadj. impressive印象深刻,-ive(表示多)
Oppressàop(反)-pressàv.压迫,压制;oppress the workers.
The peasants' revolt was suppressed by the dictator's military.
或者:The peasants' revolt was put down by the dictator's troops.
Repel the rebels.击退叛军。
Observe v. 1.观察;2.遵守
Our soldiery exhibited great bravery in the battle.我们的军队在战斗中显示出强大的勇气。
àn.展品;Don't touch the exhibit.不要触摸展品。
Exhibition n.展览
Inhibitàin(不)-hibità约束;限制;inhibit sb from doing sth.
Prohibitàpro(在…之前)-hibità禁止;prohibit sb from doing sth.
Smoking is prohibited in the office building.办公楼内禁止抽烟。
Insure v.为…投保;insurance n.保险
Insure sth/sb;insure sth/sb against. He insured his house against fire.
Secure vt.使。。。安全,掩护,保卫;=security check
A sense of security/humor/duty;安全意识/幽默感/责任感
Secure the hostage.保证人质安全
Marriage n.结婚
Postage n.邮费
Hostage n.人质
Luggage n.行李=baggage=suitcase
Package n.包裹
Packet n.小包=pack
Pocket n.口袋;pocket money零钱
Briefcase n.夹包,公事包
Confineàcon(一起)-fine(v.罚款)à限制;confine sth (to,within)
Confine the speech to 30 minutes.发言不超过30分钟。
He confirm his reservation by phone.他通过电话确认他保留意见。
Conform to the regulation.遵守规定
Comply with the rule.
Abide by the law.
Confrontàcon(一起)-front(前面)à(勇敢)面对,面临。。。;be confront by/with
I am confronted with difficulties.我勇敢面对困难。
Assumeàas-sume v.1.(没有根据的)假设,想当然;take sth for granted. I assume that I was right.
2.承担;assume(=take on) the responsibility.承担责任
Their son was missing, presumed dead.
The wallet was lost.钱包被偷了。
The wallet was missing.
The wallet was stolen.
The wallet was disappearing.
The wallet was gone.
Resume n.简历;v.恢复;resume one's seat/position.
Consume v.消耗;consumer消费者;customer顾客
bold adj.1)勇敢的,冒失的;It's bold of you to venture to this.
2)黑体的;All the key words are printed in bold type.
fold v.折叠;folding adj.可折叠的;a folding chair.
mold n.模子;v.塑造
withhold vt.1)拒绝(付款);withhold the payment.拒绝付款。
2)阻挡,抵抗;withhold the temptation.抵抗引诱。
Threshold n.门槛;n.开端;on threshold of
Scold v.责骂;批评;scold(=blame) sb for sth.
Discountàdis-count(计算)àn.折扣;Staff get 20% discount on all goods.
Dismayàdis-mayàvt.使绝望;we were dismayed at the news.
Desperate adj.1)绝望的(主观上还有一点希望);2)铤而走险的;
desperate housewives.绝望主妇。
Disruptàdis-rupt(断裂)àvt.使。。。中断;disrupt the flight.航班中断。
Tribute n.贡物
Gift n.礼物
Tribut 词根
Aggravateàag(加强)-grav(等同于grave adj.严重)-ate(一般做动词后缀)à加重
Aggravate the situation局势严重
Attribute A to B,bob attribute his success to hard work.
A be attributed to B,His success is attributed to hard work. 结果+被动结构+原因;
Plenty of fresh air contribute to good health.
B contribute to A,原因+主动结构+结果;
Tickers will be distributed to all club members.
assure v.使确信;+sb,I assure you that be safe.
ensure v.确信;确保;+sth,I ensure that they'll be safe.
consoleàcon(一起)-sole(单身,常指女性)à安慰 +sb;
The good news console him a great deal.
Coarse adj.粗燥的(常指具体对象);粗俗的;
His skin is coarse.
A coarse joke.
Rough adj.粗略的(常指抽象事物);a rough computation.粗略计算
Crude adj.天然的;未经提炼的;crude oil原油;crude salt粗盐;
raw material天然材料;
natural resources自然资源;
cruel adj.残忍的;惨痛的;be cruel to sb.
bold adj.光地;秃的;a bold patch秃顶;
bare adj.(常指手或脚)赤裸的;do sth with bare hands.
Barely adv.勉强(常指肯定的勉强);I barely made it.我成功了
hardly adv.几乎不;He had hardly arrived when it began to snow.他一到, 天就下起雪来了。
almost adv.几乎;差不多;I almost made it.我几乎成功了。
Black adj.空白的;
Vacant adj.空缺的;(常指立体的或者抽象事物的空缺);vacant position空缺职位
A vacant house无人居住的房子;
A empty room空房间;
hollow adj.中空的;He was thin and his cheeks were hollow.他很瘦, 连面颊都凹陷了下去。
- 大专以下
- 大专
- 本科有学位
- 本科无学位
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- 博士