中国人民大学统计与大数据研究院张琨助理教授、香港城市大学商学院管理科学系刘光梧教授和王诗雨博士在嵌套随机仿真(Nested simulation,NS)研究方面取得重要进展,相关研究成果在线发表在运筹学领域国际最顶尖期刊《Operations Research》上。经从《Operations Research》官网查询,本论文是该期刊上以Renmin University of China署名的第二篇论文。
NS方法在衍生品资产组合风险度量领域有着广泛的应用。它分两步进行:首先生成n个外层样本,即风险因子,然后给定每个外层样本,生成m个内层样本用来估风险因子对应的损失函数。NS方法的随机仿真成本为c=nm。学术界和金融业界所关注的一个热点问题是给定有限的c,如何将其分配给外层样本量n和内层样本量m,使得风险估计量的均方误差最小。该文引入统计学中的自助采样法(Bootstrap sampling),提出了一种样本驱动的方法,有效地解决了随机仿真成本在内层和外层分配的问题。此外,该文进一步证明了NS估计量的中心极限定理。该研究成果大大提升了NS方法的效率,为其在金融界广泛应用提供了重要支持,具有现实意义。
Simulation budget allocation is at the heart of a nested (also referred to as two-level) simulation approach to estimating functionals of a conditional expectation. In this paper, we propose a sample-driven budget allocation rule under a unified nested simulation framework that allows for different forms of functionals. The proposed method employs bootstrap sampling to guide an effective choice of outer- and inner-level sample sizes. Furthermore, we establish a central limit theorem for nested simulation estimators, and incorporate the sample-driven allocation rule into the construction of asymptotically valid confidence intervals (CIs). Effectiveness of the sample-driven allocation rule and validity of the constructed CIs are confirmed by numerical experiments.
本篇论文发表在《Operations Research》,这是运筹学领域国际最顶尖期刊,是国际管理科学/运筹学会(INFORMS)旗舰期刊,亦是商学院“UT-Dallas 24期刊列表”国际顶级期刊之一,也是金融时报评定出的50本商学院顶级期刊之一(简称FT50),在中国FMS管理科学高质量期刊推荐列表获最高评级A, 在国际运筹与管理领域享有极高的学术声誉。
张琨,中国人民大学统计与大数据研究院助理教授,博士生导师。张琨的研究领域包括随机仿真,机器学习,金融工程与风险管理。已在Operations Research、Operations Research Letters、Journal of Theoretical Probability等运筹学与统计学一流期刊发表多篇论文。
Guangwu Liu, Department of Management Sciences, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Shiyu Wang, Department of Management Sciences, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
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